Our Approach:

The Mental Performance BIG 3

Understand Yourself

Harness Your Innate Power 


Mental Performance is NOT one-size-fits-all.

Your mental game is personal. Building your game around your natural strengths is essential for peak performance. Every golfer is unique, with distinct ways of focusing, making decisions, and achieving success. At Mental Golf Type®, we break free from cookie-cutter advice and provide personalized strategies tailored to your mental hard-wiring.  To achieve this goal, we provide all players a FREE mental fitting, or a self-assessment to determine your natural strengths. 

The Mental Fitting™: The Starting Point to Success

At Mental Golf Type®, we start with a revolutionary approach to mental performance through our mental fitting "personality self-assessment." This assessment uncovers a player's unique Mental Golf Type®, offering personalized insights into what they need to do mentally to excel and what to avoid to prevent mental stress and swing breakdowns.

How It Works:

  • Personality Self-Assessment: Players complete a comprehensive self-assessment to determine unique Mental Golf Type. It's FREE, easy, and takes just minutes. 
  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: The assessment identifies cognitive strengths that enhance performance and pinpoints inferior functions that can lead to stress and performance issues.
  • Personalized Insights: Players receive a detailed report outlining their Mental Golf Type, and access training programs customized to their personality. 
Start Your FREE Mental Fitting

Elevate Your Game with MGT's 3 Pronged Approach


In the pursuit of excellence on the golf course, mastery extends beyond physical capabilities. It requires a harmonious blend of mental strength, strategy, and self-belief.

The Mental Golf Type® approach introduces the Big 3 in mental performance: Stress Management, Shot Process, and Self-Image Development. These core elements are foundational in transforming not just how you play the game, but how you experience it.

Applying Insights for Optimal Performance

Once we identify a player's Mental Golf Type, we provide tailored coaching and products to address the Mental Performance Big 3. 

1. Stress Management

Why Stress Management is Crucial for Every Golfer?

Stress management is essential for golfers of all levels because it affects you mentally, emotionally, physically, and directly impacts your golf swing. Understanding how stress influences your performance is key to improving your game.

The Science Behind Stress and Performance: Your subconscious mind triggers the same fight-or-flight response to both real and imagined threats. When stressed, cortisol is released, inhibiting the motor cortex—the part of your brain responsible for movement and coordination. Increased heart rate from stress further affects motor functioning, including your golf swing.

Types of Stress Affecting Golfers:

  1. Acute Stress: This occurs in high-pressure situations like first tee nerves, a winning putt, or a challenging shot. It's easy to detect because of noticeable physical changes. Without mental skills, acute stress can lead to poor performance.

  2. Subtle Stress: Subtle stress is the primary cause of inconsistent performance and the frustration of not translating your range swing to the course. It often goes unnoticed, leading to underperformance on the course.

The Role of Mental Golf Type®: Mental Golf Type helps detect subtle stress in your game and provides solutions tailored to your personality. Individualized indicators of stress are crucial since stressors vary from player to player. Understanding your predictable stress patterns allows you to manage stress effectively.

Personalized Stress Management: Recognizing and aligning your mind with your cognitive strengths eliminates stress and enhances performance. You’re already engaging in these behaviors; you just need to connect the dots. Awareness of your strengths and stressors makes it easier to tap into your best performance. When subtle stress is managed, your body executes physical skills freely and as intended.

Managing stress is vital for every golfer. It involves handling both obvious acute stress and subtle stressors that impact your game. With Mental Golf Type, you can identify and address these stressors, align your mind with your strengths, and consistently perform at your best. Effective stress management unlocks your full potential on the course, allowing your physical abilities to shine without interference.

Click to Master Stress and Play Your Best

2. The Shot Process

Why Master Your Shot Process to Elevate Your Golf Game?

The shot process is the next crucial skill to develop in your mental game. It goes beyond merely repeating physical actions like standing in a specific spot or taking two rehearsal swings. Instead, it is a systematic approach to preparing your mind and body for each golf shot. This process is where real consistency in performance is found. Here’s why:

The Importance of the Shot Process: The shot process is something you engage in for every shot, regardless of the situation. You are either performing actions that place you in an optimal state or actions that create mental stress. Mental stress can lead to underperformance on the shot and potentially throughout the round.

Unique to Every Player: Every player is unique and has their own way of navigating the pre-shot and post-shot zones. By examining the shot process through the Mental Golf Type (MGT) lens, performance in these zones becomes highly predictable. Each MGT has a specific way of working through every zone, utilizing their best cognitive functions to relax the mind and amplify performance.

Predictable Shifts: Each Mental Golf Type experiences predictable shifts in each zone that indicate subtle mental stress is present. Recognizing these shifts allows players to address and manage stress before it impacts performance.

Consistency Through the Shot Process: By developing a consistent shot process tailored to your Mental Golf Type, you create a process that reduces mental stress and enhances performance. This approach ensures that you are mentally and physically prepared for each shot, leading to greater consistency and better results on the course.

Mastering the shot process is essential for every golfer aiming for consistency and peak performance. By understanding and implementing a shot process that aligns with your Mental Golf Type, you can navigate the pre- and post-shot zones effectively, manage stress, and play your best golf. The shot process is where the mental game meets physical execution, and refining this skill can transform your overall performance on the course.

Master Your Shot Process Formula

3. Self-Image

Building a Strong Self-Image: The Final Component of Mental Performance

The self-image is the final critical component of the Mental Performance Big 3 and is vital for developing a strong mental game. To succeed as a golfer, a positive self-image that aligns with your goals is essential. Your self-image is what your subconscious mind believes to be true about you, and it profoundly influences your performance on the course.

Understanding Self-Image: The self-image is a mental blueprint that shapes your identity and behavior. It consists of the beliefs and perceptions you hold about yourself, which are formed through past experiences, feedback from others, and your internal dialogue. Even the idea of your handicap is contributing to your self-image. This internal blueprint affects how you approach challenges, handle stress, and ultimately, how you perform.  

The Impact of Self-Image on Performance:

  1. Confidence: A positive self-image boosts your confidence, making you more likely to take on challenging shots and recover quickly from setbacks.
  2. Consistency: When your self-image aligns with your goals, it creates a sense of consistency in your performance. You begin to see yourself as a capable and skilled golfer, which translates into steady play.
  3. Resilience: A strong self-image helps you stay resilient in the face of adversity. It allows you to maintain a positive attitude and bounce back from poor shots or tough rounds.

 Aligning Self-Image with Goals: Your self-image must align with your golfing goals for optimal performance. If you see yourself as a top-level golfer, your behaviors and attitudes will reflect that belief. Conversely, if you have self-doubt or negative perceptions, it will hinder your progress.

A positive self-image is crucial for a strong mental game in golf. It influences your confidence, consistency, and resilience, directly impacting your performance. By developing a self-image that aligns with your goals, using affirmations, visualization, and positive feedback, you can enhance your mental game and achieve greater success on the course. Building a strong self-image is an ongoing process, but it is a powerful tool that every golfer should cultivate to unlock their full potential.

Empower Your Self Image With Mental Fitness

"It literally impacts everything I do in my game from my shot process to how I practice."

- Austen Truslow, Asian Tour

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Explore Our Resources and Get Started

At Mental Golf Type, we offer a range of products and coaching services designed to help players harness the power of their mind for peak performance. Whether you're a seasoned professional, an aspiring golfer, or a weekend warrior, our personalized approach can help you unlock your full potential.

Mental Golf Type Fitting

Begin your journey with our comprehensive personality self-assessment.

Mental Fitting

Training Products

Explore our training programs to enhance your performance and lower your scores 

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Personalized Coaching

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