Discover how to play better under pressure every round and tap into the zone on command with Tour proven secrets.
Have you ever wondered why you can play great golf one day and terrible the next?
Or, hit every shot pure at the driving range and by the time you get to the first tee almost forget how to swing?
Or, play great on the front nine and seemingly “lose” your swing on the back when it matters most?
If you’re like most golfers, you probably think you have an issue with your swing.
This is why driving ranges across the world are filled with golfers trying to build a more consistent swing…
But I’m here to tell you that you DON’T have swing issues.
The motion of a golf swing does NOT break down that quickly.
Nothing changed from the practice tee to the first hole.
Think about it…
This is why you can take a week or month off from golf and come back like nothing happened.
Sure, it might take a bucket of balls to get warmed up but you don’t need to relearn the mechanics of your swing.
So why can you hit it like Tiger one day and like a beginner golfer the next? Or lose it mid-round?
As Jack Nicklaus said, “The game of golf is 90% mental, only 10% physical.”
But what does that really mean?
How are you supposed to work on your mental game?

It’s a good question because practicing your swing is easy.
Go to the range, work with an instructor, follow drills, and try to get in all the right positions.
But practicing the mental game is 100% different.
If you’re like a lot of golfers you might think this means:
- Watching your self-talk
- Creating a pre-shot routine
- Picking the smallest target possible
- Staying positive throughout the round
- Trying extra hard to focus on tough shots
- Taking two practice swings before each shot
And all kinds of other mental game hacks you read from a sports psychologist or watched on YouTube University.
Don’t get me wrong, all of those mental game hacks can help.
But at the core, what are all of these tips really trying to do?
Help you stay RELAXED and GET IN THE ZONE.
Whether you realize it or not, you’ve been in the zone before.
IMAGINE a time when you were playing great and golf felt EASY.
Your drives were down the middle of the fairway, approach shots were all over your targets, and putts were falling into the bottom of the cup.
You’re out there having fun, not worried about anything, and simply enjoying the day.
Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced golfer, you know what the zone is (even if you don’t know how to access it… yet).
While the zone might only happen for a few holes during the round, you know what it is and sure you want to get there more often than not.
Because the ZONE is where the magic happens.
Birdies, eagles, and tap in pars.
The zone reminds you of why you even play golf to begin with.
When Tiger talks about the zone he says that he even forgets hitting certain shots because he’s so in the moment.
It’s no different from an artist painting something incredible. Or a musician performing an incredible song in front of a massive audience (and making it look easy).
So, how does Tiger (and other great players) access this state of FLOW?

Is this because of his background in meditation and hypnosis that his mom and dad taught at a young age?
While these mindfulness techniques might have helped him become arguably the greatest player ever, it’s not the full story.
So don’t worry… just because your parents didn’t teach you to master your mind as a kid doesn’t mean you can’t get in the zone.
Before explaining how you can access the zone every single round, let’s first define it.
Our definition of the ZONE (aka a peak performance state) is defined as a state of relaxed awareness in the present moment combined with being your best self.
Relaxation is step one… if you aren’t relaxed your mind goes into fight or flight mode.
This inhibits your ability to make decisions and make your normal, relaxed swing like you can on the driving range.
Step two of entering the zone is becoming your best self.
This is the specific way that you use YOUR MIND to produce the most effective and successful results.
The truth is, there is no “one way” to play golf.
It’s about tapping into your specific mind so you can become your best self.
Before getting into this aspect, let me provide an example of how great golfers can relax… even if they’re polar opposite people.
Let’s compare two of the greats, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson.
These two are some of the most accomplished players in professional golf… but both have completely different ways of winning golf tournaments.
For example, Tiger is a known introvert who likes to keep to himself.
When Tiger is in his traditional Sunday black and red outfit, he’s a stone-cold killer on the golf course.
He looks more like the Terminator than a mere mortal swinging a golf club.
He’s known to rarely talk to competitors, focus 100% on his game, and stay in his own little bubble despite enormous crowds watching his every move.
In fact, Tony Finau was paired with Tiger in the final round of the 2019 Masters and said that he barely heard “Good luck” from him on the first tee. While a lot of people think this is an intimidation technique, it’s actually just his personality (and how he accesses his “best self.”)
If Tiger was talkative and friendly with competitors, it would actually go against his personality which doesn’t allow him to get into the zone.
This is how Tiger is able to relax and perform under pressure.

Meanwhile, Phil Mickelson is the exact opposite type of golfer.
Phil is a known extravert and plays best when he is engaging with the crowd and/or his caddy.
Since Phil is an extravert, he performs best when he’s verbalizing and visualizing throughout the round.
This is why he’s engaging with the crowd, talking out shots, and using his imagination to hit shots most people wouldn’t dare try (like his shot through the trees on #13 at Augusta in 2010).
This is Phil’s style that allows him to relax and perform under pressure.

Despite being drastically different players, they both won A LOT for two reasons.
They learned how to get in their ZONE and also stay out of STRESS.
So, how should you play golf? Like Tiger or Phil (or someone else)?
The answer might surprise you.
The truth is every player is different… other players do not think, act, and perform like you do on the golf course because they aren’t hardwired the same way.
In fact, trying to play Tiger or Phil might ruin your chances of getting in the zone and playing your best golf.
It’s important to understand that everyone has their own unique personality.
Personality differences shape:
- Your individual perspective
- How you view the game of golf
- And how you react to the things that happen while on the golf course.
Your personality also determines your natural reactions to stressful situations that occur during a round.
Understanding these in-born, fundamental differences is the foundation of playing your BEST GOLF.
This simple Tiger-Phil example goes to show that individual differences are in-born, and knowing how to utilize your natural gifts is the key element to avoid or reduce stress… and is the path to reach new levels and tap into your golf potential.
Here’s another easy example to illustrate my point.

We know that right or left-handedness is a hard-wired trait. We do not decide to prefer one hand over the other; the preference occurs naturally at a young age.
If your primary hand was broken, you could probably get pretty good at using the other one. But chances are, when the cast comes off, you will immediately revert to using the one you naturally prefer.
Otherwise, if you use the opposite hand you have unnecessary stress in your day-to-day activities.
The truth is your brain has hard-wired preferences that determine what will cause you stress and how you will react to it. These inborn preferences follow each of us throughout our entire lives, just like handedness.
Your mental game in golf is no different.
If your mind is STRESSED you can’t get in the ZONE.
The problem is that most golfers don’t understand stress as it’s not something that is taught in school or by most instructors.
In fact, there are habits you might do on the golf course right now that are causing stress without you even realizing it.
Learning how to keep your mind out of stress is the number one skill required for consistent peak performance and to get the most out of your physical skills and game.

Stress has ruined more rounds than weather, bumpy greens, first tee jitters or a sore, achy back.
But what is stress?
Stress is what kills your chances of getting in the ZONE.
So why does it occur so often on the golf course?
One reason you might encounter stress on the golf course is from being taught to do things that don’t match up with your mental hard-wiring.
Not all mental golf advice is created equal.
Some common sports psychology advice can actually HURT your game…
… don’t get me wrong, the authors of popular golf books mean well. They aren’t trying to make golf even harder by sabotaging your mental game.
But if you read, hear, or watch a mental golf tip and try to apply it to your game, it might go against the way your mind is wired.
When that happens, you get STRESSED.
For example, a lot of authors and experts talk about “reacting” to a target.
But trying to be reactionary to a target isn't that effective for 75% of the golf population.
So this advice can actually lead to a lot of mental stress and performance challenges.
Many players have unknowingly learned to do things that simply don't work for their personality type.
This results in more effort and concentration just to produce ok results.

To play your best golf it is important you understand the “true” source of stress.
The majority of players tend to believe that stress is caused by external situations and other people.
The reality is, players react differently to the same situations, so stress cannot be caused by the “external” stimuli. It is the player’s individual reaction to the situation that actually causes the “fight or flight” response to take place and the negative consequences of it.
These negative “reactions” to situations are usually developed over our lifetime as “habits” of reaction, “patterns” of thoughts, and “patterns” of behavior.
However, the underlying hard-wiring of your mind can predict the type of stress you will have and how you will react when stressed.
While you will never be able to completely eliminate stress, you can change your response to it once you can recognize it happening.
When you can do this, you basically have a blueprint to your mind.
Because here’s the thing…
Most stress is subtle and remains undetected by players.
It is easy to recognize stress when it's acute, like if you get hit with a golf ball or are in a car accident. In these kinds of moments, the dramatic changes you experience are easily noticeable and get your mind’s attention.
The same is true on the golf course… It's easy to recognize stress during high pressure situations. Maybe it’s the first tee shot of the last round or a putt to win the tournament on the 18th hole.
However, most stress is subtle, staying just below your radar and causing you to under-perform.

The best analogy for the effects of stress is the boiled frog. If you drop a frog into a pot of boiling hot water, it will immediately feel the extreme heat and jump out.
But if you put a frog in lukewarm water and slowly and gradually turn up the heat, the subtle changes in temperature go undetected and the frog boils.
This is the nature of stress on and off the golf course.
So the more you can learn the subtle indicators of stress based on YOUR personality, the easier it is to make corrections when needed and perform better in the moment.
Playing CONSISTENT GOLF and SHOOTING LOWER SCORES comes from avoiding STRESS so that you can get in the ZONE.
So, what’s the solution (hint: It’s NOT another mental golf book)?
What you need is a custom mental game approach that works for your unique mind… not another piece of generic mental golf advice.
Introducing… Mental Golf Type.

Mental Golf Type is a revolutionary approach to the mental game that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen in the golf world. It’s the most innovative performance training that will help you start playing better golf FAST.
Within minutes, Mental Golf Type (MGT) can easily help you discover your natural mental gifts and strengths, as well as the predictable stress patterns you go through on the course.
As you will discover, knowing your Mental Golf Type is absolutely essential to every player who wants to realize the goal of consistent, confident performance on the golf course.
Level 1 of the Mental Golf Type system is NOT the same cookie cutter advice that you’ve read about before.
Mental Golf Type is a training system that provides accurate mental profiling, right information, application, and long-range development. The goal of Mental Golf Type is to help you turn your peak performance state into a habit on the course by building the foundation of a strong mental game based on your unique mental hard-wiring.
Here’s how MGT will change the way you play golf forever…

A Player Self-Assessment ToolÂ
There are 16 different personalities which mean there are 16 different paths to peak performance in golf. Once you take the MGT player self-assessment you will quickly learn your innate mental hard-wiring and figure out how to get in the zone on command.Â
No more “guessing” and hoping for the best anymore.Â
This is a PROVEN system that is based on years of experience with all types of golfers. From high handicap golfers to seasoned pros, this system teaches you how to become your best self.
But it all starts by first identifying YOUR unique personality type. The key to great golf is playing in a way that matches your mental hard-wiring.
The Right Information at the Right TimeÂ
Most mental golf tips you read about in books are generic golf advice that is not catered to your unique hard-wiring. This is why you can read, listen, or watch and not improve (or actually get worse).Â
But the mental game is easier than you think and actually highly predictable once you know your mental tendencies. In fact, MGT Level 1 doesn’t teach you anything new, it teaches you what YOU need to do to perform your best.Â
So if you’re tired of testing new theories for mediocre results, this system will cut the fluff and give you immediate results.Â
It’s about shedding habits and thoughts that are working against you.Â
Applied Psychology for the Golf Course and Practice
Lastly, Mental Golf Type helps you make peak performance a habit, not a one-time event. Which means you can make the ZONE a regular occurrence, not a fluke event.Â
You will learn how to find success in practice and on the golf course for the rest of your life. No more “hoping” for good days or praying to the Golf Gods that your swing is on when you need it most.Â
Don’t forget, mentally your tendencies will never change so this is a resource that lasts a lifetime. It’s something that you can reference over and over again to play your best.Â
No longer is the mental game in the realm of intangible concepts with little application.Â
Mental Golf Type provides you measurable ways to track your mental performance on the course and teaches you to stay accountable to playing golf using your best functions.Â
Through the provided activities, you will learn through first-hand experiences how to get the most out of your game. Mental Golf Type elevates your self-awareness on the course and trains you to play in your peak performance state.Â
In Level 1 Core Concepts Training you will get PERSONALIZED performance training that is designed for you. When you learn and apply these principles you can get in the zone on command and play better under pressure by avoiding stress.Â
How you might ask?
By first learning your personality type and understanding each of the four facets that make up your mental hard-wiring.

Discover four core training modules that will take your mental game to the next level when you become a member of MGT.

Training Introduction: The Peak Performance Paradigm
Your personality is built into your unconscious mind and will remain constant throughout your entire life.Â
It's your personality that dictates your behavior, and it's these behaviors that will determine your level of performance in golf (and life).Â

Inside The Peak Performance Paradigm you will learn:Â
- The difference between the brain vs the mind to get fast results.Â
- Why stress is the reason your swing breaks down, not poor mechanics.Â
- How to make peak performance a habit so you can play consistently well every single round.
- Your mental gifts and strengths (and predictable stress patterns) so you don’t have roller coaster rounds.Â
Once you learn how the mind works in a simple manner, we’ll move on to…

Module 1: Extravert vs. Introvert - Learn Your Mental Energy StyleÂ
The first letter of your Mental Golf Type describes how you manage your energy. It indicates where you get your energy from and what you direct your energy towards.Â
You are born with an “internal battery” that is hard-wired into our mind. When it’s fully charged it allows you to perform our best, but when drained it causes you to become stressed more easily.Â
To perform your best, mentally and physically, it requires high levels of energy and effective energy management.Â
There are two energy styles; Extraverted and Introverted like the Tiger and Phil example from earlier. There is no one “best style” - it’s about playing golf like you’re hardwired for energy.
If you play golf in a way that doesn’t match your personality your battery will get drained and your scores will suffer as a result.Â
But when you learn how to play golf in a way that matches your energy style, you’ll have tons of energy. You won't walk off the golf course feeling exhausted and will be ready to play another 18.

Inside Module 1Â you will learn:
- Why some rounds you’re mentally exhausted and other times you’re ready to go again.
- Simple practice drills to tap into your internal battery for more energy and better swings.
- How to direct your mental energy and recharge your battery during the round so you can play great on all 18 holes.Â
- How to compete with golfers that have the same or different personalities so you can score well regardless of who you’re paired with.Â
Once you learn how to recharge your batteries for endless energy on the course, we’ll move on to…

Module 2: Sensing vs. iNtuition - Learning Your Perception StyleÂ
The second letter of your Mental Golf Type indicates your preferred perception style. This includes the information you pay attention to, how to focus, and what perspective gives you the most confidence on the course.Â
The two types of perception style are Sensing and iNtuition. When you know your type and apply it on the golf course, it will transform the way you pick targets and go through your pre-shot routine.Â

Inside Module 2 you will learn:Â
- Activities to help you focus and stay present to minimize mental mistakes and wasted shots. Â
- What your mind needs to gather effectively gather information so you can pick clubs and shots effectively.Â
- How to tweak your pre-shot process so you can stand over each shot with insane confidence.Â
- How to pick targets the right way based on your mind so you hit more fairways and greens than ever.
Once you learn how to focus and prime your mind for each shot, we’ll move on to…

Module 3: Thinker vs. Feeler - Learn Your Evaluation StyleÂ
The third letter of your Mental Golf Type indicates your preferred evaluation style. This includes how you make decisions, evaluate situations during the round, and accept shots.Â
The two evaluation styles are Thinkers and Feelers.Â
By understanding your in-born preference, you will finally know what you are hard-wired to do to make committed decisions and what shifts occur in your evaluation that indicates stress. Learning to be decisive is a major competitive edge that will give you tons of confidence over your playing partners.

Inside Module 3Â you will learn:Â
- How to make a post-shot routine to not let a bad shot compound into the next.Â
- The secrets to playing with all types of golfers so no one affects your performance.Â
- The easiest way to make decisions on the golf course so you can eliminate doubt and fear.Â
- A simple strategy for optimal course management even if it’s a tough course or one you haven’t played before.Â
Once you learn how to make decisions and create a post shot routine, we’ll move on to…

Module 4: Judger vs. Perceiver - Learn Your Structure StyleÂ
The fourth letter of your Mental Golf Type indicates your preferred structure style. This includes how you prioritize your time, practice, and on-course activities.
The two prioritizing styles are Judgers and Perceivers.Â
We all have goals and ambitions, but did you know there are two different ways people naturally structure their time and life to get things done? By understanding your hard-wired preference you can learn to maximize your productivity and effectively manage your game.

Inside Module 4Â you will learn:
- Secret routines to get more done and 10X productivity in each practice session.
- The best drills and practice styles that match your mental hard-wiring and get the most out of practice.Â
- How to deal with physical exhaustion so you can recharge effectively and fall into a stress free state mid-round.Â
- How to structure your practice so you improve and get closer to your golf goals with each session (and not waste time on the range).
Once you complete the final module you will have the mental toolbox that will make you unstoppable on the golf course. When you learn how to align your golf game with your unique personality type, you’ll never need to read another mental golf book again.
In fact, you will become your own mental golf coach and can assess mid-round if you’re playing poorly. No more having to guess or wait until after the round to ask a coach, parent, friend, or teammate.
Plus, during and after good rounds you will know what mental habits helped your game. So you won’t have to ask the Golf Gods what you were doing to access the zone again.
You will be equipped with everything you need to master your mind and play your best golf anytime you tee it up. Getting in the zone will become second nature.
Don’t forget, learning to manage stress is the #1 mental skill for ALL players to develop!
Do you have more questions about Level 1 of Mental Golf Type? If so, we have answers to help you understand how this proven system can change your game forever.
Below is a list of some of the most common questions that I’ve been asked since creating Mental Golf Type. If you don’t see your question below, please email us at [email protected].
What type of player is this best suited for?
How is this different from all other mental golf tips?
What are the personality differences?
Will this work for high school and college players?
How is the content delivered?
How do I get started?

So, let’s recap everything we’ve covered thus far.
Great golf comes from getting in the ZONE.
To access the zone you need to learn how to play with relaxed awareness AND tap into your best self. This happens only when you learn how to eliminate stress by aligning with your unique hard-wiring!
Stress is the number one killer of the peak performance state (aka, The Zone).
Stress management is the number one universal mental skill for you to develop to play your best golf.
Don’t forget, stress does this to your mind/body on the golf course:
- Drains your mental battery
- Inhibits proper decision-making
- Throws off timing and sequencing
- Changes your perception and focus
- Inhibits coordination in the body and fine motors skills
Which makes it impossible to go low and play consistently well.
To avoid stress and access the zone like Tiger Woods in his prime, you need to understand how YOUR mind is wired.

Don't forget, our personality is hard-wired in at birth. It will NOT change throughout your life and your personality influences how you perform.
Which means you can learn what naturally triggers your mind and what activities align with it during a round of golf. This makes it easier to self-monitor your game mid-round and play more consistently.
But this only happens by learning your Mental Golf Type. Otherwise, your mind will get stressed which will keep you out of the zone and not allow you to play your best.
Mental Golf Type focuses extensively on helping YOU eliminate stress during the round. This will lead to:
- Lower scores
- More consistency
- Playing better under pressure
- More efficient practice sessions
- Taking your range game to the course
- Shooting low scores even if your swing is off
- Learning how to play well with any type of playing partners
And most importantly, have more fun for the rest of your life. Also, it’s not uncommon to see this positively affect other areas of your life as well.
Finally, understanding and applying your Mental Golf Type will help you become your own coach. You can quickly course correct mid-round and say goodbye to blow up rounds from a poor mental game.
Your best golf awaits and is less than an hour-long golf lesson.
At this point, you have a choice… you can continue to use the same cookie cutter mental golf advice and hope for different results. Which Albert Einstein described as the definition of insanity… doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
This is the hard path that doesn’t guarantee results and will likely leave you stressed out thinking that more time on the range is what you need.
You can take the easy route and invest in Mental Golf Type Level 1 training to learn how to play golf in a way that matches your personality.
Because here’s the thing, your swing isn’t the issue when it comes to shooting lower scores and playing better under pressure, it’s your mental approach.
The mental performance zone is NOT one size fits all. Sort of like your golf clubs, you need the right equipment to play your best golf.
While most players do a custom fitting for the right clubs and shafts, most people forget about the mental side. Despite Jack Nicklaus saying that the mental game is 90% of golf!
Mental Golf Type is tailored to your mind and teaches you how to get more out of it on the golf course. It’s a club fitting for your mind that will make it easier than ever to tap into your true potential.
Just like your handedness was predetermined at birth, so are these built-in mental functions. These functions NEVER change so learning them is vital to your success in golf and in life.
Remember to play your best you need to get in the ZONE and the only way that happens is to avoid STRESS.
The sooner you know how you operate best, the more time you will have to experience greater success on the course.
Mental Golf Type takes the guesswork out of the mental game. This proven system provides you with effective strategies to play your best and overcome stress based on your hard-wiring.
Understanding your personality is the missing link to getting in the zone and playing more consistent golf.
I’m excited to see how this can make golf feel easier, no matter your skill level.
My name is John Weir, the creator of the Mental Golf Type® program, author of Golfer’s Guide to Mental Fitness, and co-founder of Mental Golf Type LLC and Mental Golf Academy. We provide mental performance coaching to golfers worldwide.Â
As a mental coach, among the countless individual success stories, I’ve worked with the Mike Bender Golf Academy for five years, and have been the mental coach for five NJCAA National Championship Teams (2015 and 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023), helped a NCAA DIII program to their first Conference Championship (2016), and worked numerous schools that had record-breaking seasons.Â
When it comes to tournament golf I understand the pressures of competition through years of first-hand experience as a caddy and on course performance coach. I was on the bag for a U.S.Open, a Top 10 finish at the Puerto Rico Open, caddied at the Honda Classic, and full seasons on the Korn Ferry Tour. I have been on the bag at Q-Schools for Web.com Tour, Korn Ferry Tour, European Tour, Asian Tour and Mena Tour. I even know the Monday qualifier grind and the pressures of playing your way in. Â
Lately, I've been focused on the coach certification side of Mental Golf Type, which I am proud to say now provides PGA continuing education units as well as LPGA continuing education units upon completion for coaches. There are now Mental Golf Type certified coaches throughout the United States, in parts of Europe, and in Japan to assist players in their mental game. MGT has now been translated into Italian, and the French translation is underway.
I am committed to helping golfers reach their full potential by getting in the zone more by staying out of stress. If you’re ready to take your mental game to the next level, I’m here to help.